Friday 4 February 2011

Arrival, in detail!

Arrival- this is the blog bit I wrote then could not upload earlier in the week! Now in all its boring glory...

I am really not that adventurous so it was with some serious trepidation I left my family at Heathrow and, looking every bit the 19th century explorer, I headed towards my flight. By a massive stroke of coincidence/ luck there was a lovely doctor who was in my year at uni on the same plane, so we spent some time catching up.

 After 9 long hours of airplane food and recycled air I was very glad to find myself in India at last, and even more glad to find a very smiley man holding a cardboard sign with the name of the charity written in multi-coloured biro pen. This was my very charming driver. One of the other doctors working at the Hospital was also driving back with us so in the gaps between sleeping quite heavily and eating a very large Masala Dhosai for breakfast at a road side cafe I quizzed him on some useful Tamil phrases, most of which I have forgotten almost instantly.

By Lunch time we had arrived, to a very different hospital to the one I left in 2007. The hospital has grown and developed a great deal and I am really looking forward to learning the ins and outs of the system here, on my great and rather ambitious journey to becoming a useful part of things!

Anyway this is enough waffle for now, I am here, I am safe and sound and that is a start at least!!

Lots of love,
A x

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