Thursday 30 June 2011

What is yet to come

So it has been a while since I last wrote. Mostly because the charger for my computer has gone caput and this has made internet access in India more of a challenge! In the intervening time plenty has occurred in my little corner of India and I am now writing to you from the living room in Zenobia Mansions, safely back in the UK for my summer break.

My plan is to write a few catch up blogs to fill you in on the gap, namely the majority of June! So this is really a blog to explain that other blogs are on the way. Something I have noticed about myself since starting to write the blog is that I spend a lot of time thinking of titles, so here are a few to whet your appetite before the real deal!

June Monsoon- a little about the weather and a few cases from the hospital.

Disneyland India- in which my lovely friend Lucy arrives and we explore Mysore with its beautiful and ridiculously lit up palace.

Curry in a cold climate- The second instalment of our holiday in India.

Half term report- a short report on life so far in the Indian sub continent and what is happening next..


Alice x

p.s. As this is a rather short posting I thought I would take the opportunity of adding a few photos, just to keep you all sweet.
A frog, no reason just because I liked him.

Another classic monsoon pic, brightly coloured truck in a flooded Keralan field.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading them! Can't wait to see you for lunch! :) xx
