Monday 11 April 2011


Hi there. This is going to be a short update of what I have been doing, sent from a little internet room in Jaiselmer fort. Since I last updated my blog a few things have happened: The Knowles family have descended upon the Indian subcontinent, I have turned 27 years of age and we have travelled goodness knows how many miles by road, rail and air.

My rather large and wonderfully loud family arrived just over a week ago and the first point of call was my home town here in India. I showed them around with thinly masked pride at how lovely my every day surroundings are and introduced them to all the wonderful people I have met in the past 2 months. Then on the 4th of April myself and one of the teachers at the school had a joint birthday celebration. A lovely afternoon ice cream party in the garden of the big and beautiful house where the Indian couple who run the hospital live. It was a really lovely afternoon and I am deeply grateful to everyone at home in England and at home in India who made it such a special event. I was bowled over that some of my friends in the UK had gone to the effort of sending me cards and presents, I am a ridiculously lucky person to have such people in my life! I was also very touched by the messages online which I received, all I can say is thank you many times over. So far being 27 has been great and I stil have plenty of 27 left to enjoy!

The day after the party, on my birthday itself we set off on our travels. It is safe to say that we have barely had a spare moment since! The itinerary has included seeing temples in Hampi, a beautiful Fort in Amber near Jaipur, the observatory and markets in Jaipur itself, the huge desert sand castle that is Jaiselmer and experiencing many othe sights and smells along the way. I will upload some photos when I am back in the comfort and civilisation of my little hospital in the south and you can see some of the beautiful and strange things we have experienced.

This is all I really have time for folks but like I said I will be flooding you with holiday pics some time soon. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Lots and lots of love,
A x


  1. Glad you had a good birthday A!! Have a wonderful time with your family, I can't wait to see all their pictures. Much love to you!! S xxxx

  2. I NEED to see photos of the Knowleses and (especially) Wes in authentic, Indian clothing. Like, ASAP.

    Happy Birthday, Al xx
